::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : Copyright (C) 1992 George W. Demers : : Box 112O-13, Campton, NH O3223 : : 6O3-726-3638 : : : : This book on software may not be reproduced in any way or : : fashion for regular commercial print purposes without the : : expressed permission of the author. : : : : This is a ShareText Book On Software for which the author : : requests a minimum donation of one dollar, if found to be : : interesting and/or useful. This may be sent to the address : : found above. : : : : BBS or other online distribution is approved. : : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Read This! ---------- PRINTING UP: This may be printed using your word processor. These are standard ASCII textfiles. There are no imbedded format commands in them. To bind this in something such as a three hole binder, set left margin at 1O and right margin at 8O characters. There are carriage returns at 7O characters. Page length should be set a standard 66 lines. I suggest an Elite or similar spaced font in NLQ, if using a dot matrix printer. In necessary areas are markings, "@@" (+ carriage return) which you should change into your word processor's page break commands, if desired. This is a condensed version of HEAVENSGATE. It does not include every bit of the book, nor any footnotes. Information on the full version is at the end of this file. HEAVENSGATE =========== V.3 (condensed) of SMOKING GUN ======================= A Trial Of Jesus Christ George Walter Demers Copyright (C) 1992 by G.W. Demers This ShareText Book On Software may not be reproduced for commercial print purposes without the expressed permission of the copyright holder. Further inquiries must be made to: G.W. Demers Box 112O-13, Campton, NH O3223 The WinePress BBS (6O3)-726-3638 HEAVENSGATE ----------- V.3 (condensed) of SMOKING GUN: ------------- A Trial Of Jesus Christ (C) 1992 GEORGE WALTER DEMERS "And he had in his hand a little book open... ...in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished... - Revelation 1O:2-1O CONTENTS ======== Chapter One --------------- Deja Vu, Deja Vu Chapter Two --------------- Once Bitten, Twice Shy Chapter Three ------------- Flip Flop Chapter Four -------------- Hypostles Chapter Five -------------- Tell Her No Chapter Six --------------- EndGame Chapter Seven ------------- Lights On! EMPHASIZED sections within are in UPPERCASE. This publication is sourced from the King James Version of The Bible. It is highly suggested that the reader use this Bible in conjunction with this publication. In this fashion, the reader may verify that we have not deviated from this version and to look up other pertinent information. PREFACE ======= "All great truths begin as blasphemies." - George Bernard Shaw This publication considers that most people have at least a very basic understanding of the Christian or Hebrew religions, even if they are not adherents. Most people have some interest in Biblical matters, usually in the area of prophecy, even if in an offhanded way. We assist those not totally into Judeo-Christian theology with some of the basic understandings, as we go along. We focus upon that which was hidden, making it obvious even to those that know nothing about these things. About the writing itself, it is the fruit of what was a 'work in progress' taking about four years in the gathering, sorting and understanding of the information, delivering it sporadically from time to time and finally, to this end. This final version includes a conclusion found (in Chapter 7 and the end of the book) which was not included with the previous versions. It is also included in this excerpted version. As any that would prosecute a case, we make charges based on real findings. To support those findings, we give witness to statements found and present them to the reader, the judge. You are invited to judge. Jesus Christ Himself invited you, as seen in Matthew 7:15-2O. What should be seen is that Jesus gave this judgement to men, teaching them to judge the prophet, the tree by its fruit, as to whether it be good or evil. What is found thru Jesus' definitions of good and evil, true and false, is that the tree's fruit was good but with hidden evil. He said some very good and true things, which provide very good cover for evils previously hidden to the mind's eye. Those definitions He gave and the evidence which follows, proves that He was also a false prophet and a deceiver. Christ's 'Either/Or' definitions absolutely apply here, even to Himself. All of that which follows is based on the Gospel reports, and His definitions which are found in those reports. These are the 'Gospel Facts' as many like to say. It is suggested that you use a KJV Bible for verification and the reading of connective Scripture outlined within. Any Scripture quoted is from KJV. Have a taste of this wine, which is the testimony of Jesus Christ. Chapter One =========== DEJA VU, DEJA VU ================ "There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before." - Willa Cather What is shown in what follows is that Jesus Christ repeated acts which are currently unrealized and unknown. In short, things which are NOT currently realized by the Christian body general. These repeated acts originate from acts recorded in the history reports found in Old Testament Scripture. Thru the revealing of these repetitions, what shall appear to those reading is what Christ spoke and testified of in Revelation, "the depths of Satan". THE EVIDENCE ============ Concerning the one thing we show in this chapter, the clearest connectors are seen in these sections of Scripture and testament: From Genesis, Chapter 3 ======================== "For God doth know THAT IN THE DAY YE EAT THEREOF, THEN YOUR EYES SHALL BE OPENED, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." Then they ate... "And THE EYES OF THEM BOTH WERE OPENED, AND they KNEW that THEY WERE NAKED..." and then God comes along and calls the man. The man said... "..I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid, BECAUSE I WAS NAKED; and I hid myself." and God said to him... "WHO TOLD THEE THAT THOU WAST NAKED?.." In essence, this asked "Who opened your eyes?", as it revealed their naked state. For that connection, simply see Gen. 3:5-7 for what the serpent told Eve, also in conjunction with the rest of 3:11. Clearly, it was "that old serpent" (Re: Rev. Ch. 12) who told Eve that this should be done, why and what would or would NOT happen. It was 'wise counsel' to the unsightful and unknowledged. This tells us who said and did it FIRST; in the beginning. See who also says and does it. John 9:39-41 ============ "And Jesus said, For judgement I am come into this world, THAT THEY WHICH SEE NOT MIGHT SEE...And some of the Pharisees said unto Him, ARE WE BLIND ALSO? Jesus said unto them, IF YE WERE BLIND, YE SHOULD HAVE NO SIN: but NOW ye say, WE SEE; therefore your sin remaineth." John 15:22 ========== "If I had NOT come and spoken to them, they had NOT sin: but NOW they have NO CLOAK FOR THEIR SIN." Summing this part up, He told the Pharisees that they were BLIND and NAKED and let others know it. He COUNSELED TO OPEN THEIR EYES; TO SEE THAT THEY WERE NAKED, UNCOVERED. Just like the man and the woman in Genesis, these in HIS words, HAD OR KNEW NO SIN prior to the opening of their eyes. According to Jesus, they knew good and evil (sin) of themselves ONLY AFTER their eyes were opened. The Pharisees didn't buy this, leaving themselves uncovered. In EITHER case, had He NOT spoken to them, they would have remained SINLESS and thus, PERFECT. If 'that old serpent' had NOT spoken to the woman in Genesis, what would have been the result? It is well known that these were PERFECT before the act. Simply, they would have REMAINED so. In each case, those spoken to were sinless, perfect, prior to His speaking to them. Once spoken to, their sin was revealed and they were 'naked'. He opened their eyes, just as those that were sinless in Genesis had theirs opened. Summing this up, an undeniable fact is that Jesus Christ, BY HIS REVEALED METHOD OF OPERATION, reveals Himself TO HAVE REPEATED acts which exacted those of the Serpent over and over again. The act itself is spurred on by one which ALSO told or taught to break God's law or commandment, just as the serpent did. Evidence of Jesus Christ's teachings and directives to break law and commandment, a 'serpentine' act, is found elsewhere in this book. The question is... "WHY?", a question which shall be answered. Chapter Two =========== ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY ====================== "What experience and history teach is this - that people and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it." - G.W.F. Hegel The Pharisees did not do as the man and woman did in Genesis. They did not recognize that they were naked and thus, did not cover themselves. And for good reason. They had seen this type of activity before as in Genesis; that He taught to break God's commandments, as 'that old serpent', the deceiver did. They deduced as to what their reaction should be, learned from lessons in the past. Besides THAT, He was also telling them something else. First, let's see who DID learn from history and who DIDN'T... For those that would not believe that Christ would do this, they should be a Jew in that time for a few minutes. If you are Jewish, this should be easy for you to understand even now. As a knowledgable Jew, spiritually, you are a direct product of priests, rabbis, scribes and judges. It is an intrinsic part of your society and government, which would not exist at all if it were not for your God. You know your Scripture and are directed by clergy on a regular basis. You know what Scripture tells to do and what NOT to do. You know that you should not break commandments under penalty; sometimes with consequences of spiritual and/or physical death. You have good examples of this. Look at what happened to the first man and woman in Genesis, when they broke commandment as advised by the serpent... This section focuses upon a most obvious piece of testimony, which comes from Jesus' own mouth. This comes when He replies to one that called Him 'Good Master'. It is here indirectly, that he said that He was NOT good. This is not a case of His modesty, but of His telling of the truth... Matthew 19:16-17 ================ "And behold, one came and said unto Him, GOOD MASTER, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?" "WHY CALLEST ME GOOD? there is NONE good but one, that is, God: BUT if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." We should realize that Jesus wasn't asking the man a question at all. His was a reaction to the title which the man gave Him and not a true question. The continuance of that question/answer pauses and separates with "BUT", indicating a 'regardless of that said previously', or 'nevertheless' situation. He touched upon two different things within the reply. He didn't answer the man's question until after He addressed the previous thing. He was denoting to the man that He had no right to the title which he had given Him before the question. He goes on to say that NONE are good, save God. An example you may have used yourself ===================================== A man come to you and asks this: "Sir, can you direct me to Main Street?" Reply: "Sir? Not me; I work for a living! But if you drive two blocks, Main Street's on the right." The man smiles, thanks you and goes on his way. This is a type of reply which I and countless others have used for a similar type of address. One denies he is a certain thing but gives the thing asked for. This is a negative reaction prior to a thing asked for within the same sentence, using that very same word, "BUT", to give information regardless of what was said previously. Was Jesus asking the man the question? Obviously, the answer is NO and thus it was not really a question, but a reactional way of speech. Bringing this into further focus is His own parablic definition, found in Matthew 7:15-2O, which shows that one is EITHER good or evil, and that the evidence of that is shown within his fruit; in this case, the word of His mouth. Hence, if He stated that He was NOT good, then He knowingly had to be evil, per His own definition. This is in part evidenced by what is found within that same section of the testament; Matthew 19:16-19. Matthew's testament shows this the clearest of all in the testament. Directly after the 'Good Master' testimony in Matthew, Jesus replies to the man's question ("What good thing shall I do?"), telling him to "keep the commandments". What happens next has to be witnessed VERY carefully, for it shows a selective process concerning the commandments which should be followed... In response, the man asked, "WHICH?", a question that asked which of the commandments should be followed. Jesus' response was AS SELECTIVE as the question itself was, only teaching to do an incomplete list found directly in that section of testament. This denoted a choice of commandments to follow and by omission, a choice of those to leave undone, and in effect, break. He gave a selective response to a selective question, not one that encompassed ALL of the commandments, as it should have. Chapter Three ============= FLIP FLOP ========= "But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire." - II Peter 2:22 The thrust of this chapter will show that Jesus was NOT always perfect and indeed, was a repentant sinner. NOT only that, but there is evidence of His RETURN to His state prior to that repentance. Let us first witness evidence concerning His spiritual state BEFORE the activities outlined in the Gospel reports. To see that, first see one of Jesus' own definitions concerning who would be left out of the kingdom of heaven or kingdom of God... Matthew 19:23-24 ================ "Verily I say unto you, THAT A RICH MAN SHALL HARDLY ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. And again I say unto you, IT IS EASIER FOR A CAMEL TO GO THROUGH THE EYE OF A NEEDLE, THAN FOR A RICH MAN TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD." This is pretty simple to understand. He defined the rich man's probability pretty well. Something like pigs flying, that kind of thing. Now see and hear this... II Corinthians 8:9 ================== "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that THOUGH HE WAS RICH, yet for your sakes HE BECAME POOR, that ye through HIS POVERTY might be rich." What is found here is a PRIOR spiritual state of Jesus Christ (prior to the events recorded in the Gospel reports), which does not agree with perceived truth or opinion concerning His perfection. It's clear that in His PRIOR state, He had a camel's chance. He knew it, and made Himself poor in repentance and for the cause of His perfection. He would NOT have entered the kingdom per His OWN definition, if He had not repented from His previous state. What these two sections of Scripture say, is that Jesus was A REPENTANT SINNER. However, if this evidence hasn't made this obvious enough to anyone, then you must witness THIS hard fact... In Matthew 3:11-16, Mark 1:4-11 and Luke 3:3-21 it is stated PLAINLY that Jesus Christ willingly AND NECESSARILY went through a cleansing baptism FOR REPENTANCE. He would NOT have to do this thing if He was perfect. You don't wash something off that is not there or that you cannot see. This act, done at the very beginning of His doings in the Gospel reports, is the most obvious piece of residue evidence concerning His prior spiritual state that exists. However, the main point of this is this... A specific piece of evidence concerning Jesus' repetitive nature, and a turning away, is that He told those that sought a sign from heaven that they would not receive any sign other than that of Jonah. What should be remembered is that Jonah ONLY ended up 'in the belly of the fish' (described as a prison) BECAUSE HE TURNED AWAY from what he had been directed to do. This is where the 3 day death and resurrection doctrine/prophecy came from. A logical question to be connective to this is: Why did He choose this 'sign' rather than some other? Why a sign which in FACT, sent Him to hell? And as seen below, not just to preach, but for previously unseen reason. (See Matthew 12:38-4O, 16:1-4; Jonah) Watch this move... Matthew 12:39-45 ================ "An EVIL AND ADULTEROUS GENERATION SEEKS AFTER A SIGN; and there shall be no sign given to it BUT THE SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAS. "For AS JONAS WAS three days and three nights in the whale's belly; SO SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE three days and three nights in the heart of the earth..." WHEN THE UNCLEAN SPIRIT IS GONE OUT OF A MAN, HE WALKETH THRU DRY PLACES, SEEKING REST AND FINDETH NONE. Then he saith, I WILL RETURN TO MY HOUSE from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept and garnished. THEN GOETH HE, AND TAKETH WITH HIMSELF SEVEN OTHER SPIRITS MORE WICKED THAN HIMSELF, and they enter in and dwell there: and THE LAST STATE of the man is WORSE than the first. EVEN SO SHALL IT BE UNTO THIS WICKED GENERATION." It is WITHIN this, that we see a 'turning away', according to His own testimony. In Matthew 12:43-45, which is in the same section of testimony connective to the 'sign of Jonah', He says that He tried to find rest and finding none (such as also seen in His directive to disciples that He dispersed), returned to worse than what He was. Further connective evidence concerning this is found in His sayings that 'the foxes had holes, but the Son of man (Himself) had no place to stay' (and rest); Luke 6:58. What must be remembered is that He is speaking to them in connection to the request for a sign. In the context of the testimony, it is described AS part of the 'sign of Jonah' testimony, as at the end of the passage he says the SAME thing as at the beginning; that this is what this 'wicked generation' shall receive in its request for a sign. It was an opening and closing of His statement concerning signs to the wicked. This was a REPETITION of Jonah's activities. Jonah spent 3 days 'in the prison', so did Jesus, according to other testimony found in the epistles, and something which is recognized to this day. As in other cases which have and will be seen, this was a repetition of activities described in Scripture, the Word of God. This answers that logical question from above: Why this particular sign? It was because He was turning away, just as Jonah did; a repetition of the acts in total. Chapter Four ============ HYPOSTLES ========= "Some circumstantial evidence is very strong, as when you find a trout in the milk." - Thoreau The evidence found in the Gospel reports shows that the Apostles and those that followed were commanded to retain sin, and thus were also directed to be hypocrites. This made them just as Jesus described the Pharisees and scribes to be in Luke 12:1. We'll show some of these findings here, starting with some specific commandments... Some simple examples of this direction to continue (repeat, retain) what HE considered evil activity will be found in areas such as Luke 22:35-36. This contains a commandment to take up the use of money again, AFTER LACKING NOTHING WHILE USING NO MONEY. This was a going back to the way things were previously, the way of men, regardless of the fact that they had needed nothing when not using money; a commandment to act hypocritical of their faith and belief while with Him. Further, this is in direct opposition to what He taught in areas such as Matthew 19:21, concerning the perfection of men and their having nothing. He directly told them to take up the manner of men again; to return to what they were, negating their 'perfection' or claims to it. See Colossians 1:28, Rev. 3:1-3. Similar stuff is witnessed in John 2O:21-23. In this section, all of His words connected directly to His sending them out to deal with others in order to gain believers as seen in John 2O:21. After receiving the Holy Ghost from Him, He told that that sin would BE RETAINED as well as remitted when doing this. This told of an incomplete remission of sin on the part of the converted AND those that would convert them, the Apostles. This is a short list and these things are not alone. They are supported by things such as THIS commandment finding which, understanding His definitions, becomes some very obvious stuff... Matthew 6:34 ============ "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. SUFFICIENT TO THE DAY IS THE EVIL THEREOF." What is found within this, the directive to live day to day and not store up or think that seen as necessary for the future, is that Jesus directed that evil (in shorter measure) BE CONTINUED to be done or thought for the daily want or need. He knew it was evil and STATED that there was evil involved in doing so. HE defined the acts and thoughts concerning the day AS evil, to be done as you go. This was His approval of the continuance of it. What APPEARED to be a commandment of CESSATION of evil was REALLY a commandment and allowance of CONTINUANCE. Other commandments of continuance are implied further in other sayings. Some interesting things are also found in His parables... What must be always remembered, is that many of these things Jesus spoke in parables, in order to PURPOSELY blind people, so that they would not understand or perceive what was really said. He kept men blind and directly stated that He would; Matthew 13:11-14. People THINK that they understand what He said in these sayings, but their perception is altered by belief that He could only have said that seen as good; again, see Matthew 7:15-2O. Reading Matthew 13:11-14, it is seen that it was given TO THE APOSTLES to know particular secrets or mysteries, BUT not others. From these things, they are seen to be mysteries of iniquity; II Thessalonians 2:7. A specific parable which connects to that continuance commandment shown above is that of the wheat and tares in Matthew 13:24-3O. An explanation of the parable is asked for in 13:36, and He does give it in 13:37-42. BUT He hides something by leaving it out of the explanation, that is, the FACT that He COMMANDED that it CONTINUE unhindered as seen in Matthew 13:29-3O. What this finding says is that He PURPOSELY let a poor, 'Cain-like' work CONTINUE. This represents a purposely whole and part evil work; imperfect. Directly after the parable of the wheat and the tares, He relates two more parables that directly refer what the 'kingdom of heaven is like unto'; Matthew 13:31-33. These specifically refer to something which is 'least' and becomes 'greatest' and to something which is 'hidden'. These will be mentioned again in this book and will be connected to that already stated here. It is with these findings, we can establish this FACT... JESUS CHRIST COMMANDED THE APOSTLES AND HIS FOLLOWERS TO PERFORM HYPOCRITICAL ACTS AND TO LEAVE UNPERFORMED, ACTS WHICH WOULD IN EFFECT, 'CLEAN HOUSE'. Chapter Five ============ TELL HER NO =========== "Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death." - Proverbs 7:27 In this chapter, we will visit some prostitutes. As written in Revelation, God wants men to see them for what they are, NAKED. If one doesn't believe that, they can look it up in Revelation 17:16. First, we must see all of Revelation's references to them. Here are a few from that book, specifically: Revelation 17:2-6 =============== Which describes "the great whore", "Mystery, Babylon, the MOTHER OF HARLOTS", "with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication". Revelation Chapter 18 ===================== Is where the HARLOT, HER MERCHANTS AND HER MERCHANDISE are dealt with in various ways. Now it seems this lady had something which inspired her creation... From Isaiah Ch. 23:15-18 ======================== "...And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years, that the Lord will visit Tyre, and SHE SHALL TURN TO HER HIRE, AND SHALL COMMIT FORNICATION WITH ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE WORLD UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. And her MERCHANDISE AND HER HIRE SHALL BE HOLINESS TO THE LORD: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the Lord, to eat sufficiently, and for durable clothing." If one reads Revelation 17 and 18, they will see that these descriptions are quite alike. One can't help but see that the woman that he's admiring ALSO HAS THE SAME DESCRIPTION as that harlot from Isaiah. What could the 'kingdoms of the earth' have fornicated with, BUT that of God? GOD commanded that found in Isaiah 23. Wonder Who could have set up something as nice as this sweet thing found in Revelation? Get your book out and read this from: John 5:19-2O ============ "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son CAN DO NOTHING OF HIMSELF, BUT WHAT HE SEETH THE FATHER DO: for what things soever He doeth, THESE ALSO doeth the Son LIKEWISE. "For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth Him ALL things that HIMSELF doeth:" This is an undeniable piece of testimony that tells of Jesus' KNOWINGLY repeating acts of God the Father, which INCLUDED this act. We cannot deny that God commanded a harlot to be set up in Isaiah, as it is directly written of. What is witnessed in these things, is that HE put the woman 'on the street', LIKE God TAUGHT and commanded to do before, as that seen in Isaiah. By the description alone, this lady can only belong to Jesus Christ. Summing this up, we find that... JESUS CHRIST, IN COMMANDING THE APOSTLES, ACTUALLY DIRECTED AND CREATED 'MYSTERY, BABYLON, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS', AS A REPETITION OF GOD'S PREVIOUS WORK AND DOCTRINE. Chapter Six =========== ENDGAME ======= "Whoever wills the end, wills also (so far as reason decides his conduct) the means in his power which are indispensably necessary thereto." - Kant The previous things shown gave definition to HOW these things were to be done. WHY is also seen here in this finding... See these two teachings of Jesus Christ... Matthew 5:19-2O Matthew 11:1O-11 =============== ================ "Whosoever therefore "For this is he, shall BREAK ONE OF of whom it is written, THESE LEAST COMMANDMENTS Behold, I send my AND SHALL TEACH MEN SO, messenger before thy HE SHALL BE CALLED face, which shall THE LEAST IN THE prepare thy way KINGDOM OF HEAVEN; before thee. but WHOSOEVER SHALL Verily I say unto you, DO AND TEACH THEM, Among them that are the same shall born of women be called GREAT THERE HATH NOT RISEN in the kingdom of heaven... A GREATER than John the Baptist: ...except your righteousness NOTWITHSTANDING SHALL EXCEED the righteousness HE THAT IS LEAST of the scribes and Pharisees, IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ye shall IN NO CASE enter the IS GREATER THAN HE." kingdom of heaven." In Mt. 5:19, Jesus told that whoever broke one of the least commandments and/or taught men to do so, would be called 'the LEAST in the kingdom of heaven'. He then said that whoever did and taught the commandments would be 'GREAT in the kingdom of heaven'. This connected directly to His testimony concerning John the Baptist, in Matthew 11:7-19; focus on 11:1O-11. There we find a type of contrast between the least and the great not previously realized. In 11:1O, He points out that John was who was sent to prepare his way. In 11:11, He goes on to point out that "among those born of women" there was no one greater than John, BUT that the least in the kingdom was greater. What this said per HIS definition in Mt 5:19, was that he that broke and taught men to break commandments was GREATER than John the Baptist. John would be great in the kingdom, according to John's teachings and activities. John was Christ's messenger, knowing that He was greater than himself and he introduced Jesus in that fashion. (Matthew 3:11, Mark 1:7, Luke 3:16, John 1:3O, 3:29-3O). Following this line of thought, this said something further of Jesus' real status; that he was a law BREAKER. If He was least in the kingdom, there was a reason and it is found in Matthew 5:19-2O. A further connection to this is the "wisdom is justified of her children" statement, found at the end of this 'least/great' statement in Matthew 11:7-19, which said that He would not be as John (great as he was, accused of having a devil), but among the 'least'. Matthew 11:19 ============= "The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. BUT WISDOM IS JUSTIFIED OF HER CHILDREN." What this said, from His own mouth, was that THE END JUSTIFIED THE MEANS. Children were to be and are the end result. It was the whole thrust of Jesus' activity; the creation and gathering of children into the kingdom of God. What these findings show is that the righteousness of 'he that broke or taught to break commandment' was GREATER than that of the Pharisees AND John The Baptist, per HIS OWN WORD AND DEFINITION; that BREAKING law and commandment was also good to get one into the kingdom. His discussion concerning John DIRECTLY keyed into this teaching. The least in the kingdom's righteousness would exceed that of John and the Pharisees but only by being least, A LAWBREAKER. TACTICALLY, there was to be 'purposeful sin'; engaging in those activities of the sinful, knowingly done for end results. He was calling Himself the 'least', which became 'great' as He also did in other circumstances. What should be seen IF ONE CAN'T SEE ANYTHING ELSE, is that in Mt. 5:19, the 'least' were to be let into the kingdom, EVEN if they did break commandment or taught others to break commandment and law. This doesn't make a lot of sense, considering that men are taught by clergy (now as it was then) to NOT break commandments. To break one was to break them all according to the teaching afterwards by the Apostles. The point of the section in conjunction with Mt. 11:1O-19, was to say that BREAKING the law (sin) was to make greater righteousness than that of the Pharisees. These findings firmly establish this FACT... JESUS CHRIST STATED THAT THE END JUSTIFIED THE MEANS AND THAT THE MEANS WAS BREAKING THE LAW. Chapter Seven ============= LIGHTS ON! ========== "..SEEK, and ye SHALL find.." - Jesus Christ These findings are why THIS particular parable and testimony is seen in Matthew 13:33 and Luke 13:2O-21. Compare it to what He taught in Luke 12:1-2... Luke 12:1-2 Matthew 13:33 =========== ============= "Beware ye of the "The kingdom of heaven LEAVEN OF THE PHARISEES is LIKE UNTO LEAVEN, which is HYPOCRISY. WHICH A WOMAN TOOK, For there is nothing AND HID in three covered, that shall not measures of meal, be revealed; NEITHER HID, til the whole was THAT SHALL NOT BE KNOWN." leavened." The only leaven that Jesus spoke about in ALL of the testimony found in the Gospels, was that of the Pharisees. Thru the wording of each piece of this testimony, we can see how these sayings are directly connected. EACH dealt with 'hidden leaven', but ONE connected the hiding of it to the likeness of the kingdom of God/kingdom of heaven. Lastly and most importantly concerning this, He told that ANYTHING which was covered or hidden WOULD be revealed, connecting directly to the hidden leaven in Mt. 13:33, as in the case in Luke 12:1. The finding of this hidden leaven establishes this FACT... JESUS CHRIST DIRECTED THE APOSTLES TO CONTINUE THE WAY OF THE PHARISEES; TO PURPOSELY HIDE HYPOCRISY. "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill CANNOT be hid." - Jesus Christ Seeing all of these activities and commands, we establish basis for this finding... These and other commanded activities are that which darkens light, according to the definition found within His own words. See His teachings in Luke 11:34-36: =================================== "The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is SINGLE, the whole body is full of light; BUT WHEN THINE EYE IS EVIL, THY BODY ALSO IS FULL OF DARKNESS. Take heed therefore THAT THE LIGHT WHICH IS IN THEE BE NOT DARKNESS. IF thy whole body therefore be full of light, HAVING NO PART DARK, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth give thee light" It was within these sayings that He gave the definition of everything involved with light and dark; good and evil within men. The difficulty, as evidenced in His 'sufficient evil' continuance command above, is that He commanded that the eye be PART evil (dark), which as He defined, equally made the body FULL of darkness in a whole fashion. It appears through these findings, that the eye of the Apostles was NOT single per His command. Thru the revealing of His directives, this also matched His description concerning the judging of the prophet, the tree, by his fruit in Matthew 7:15-2O, as it was good AND evil; both light and dark. This equaled the state of the Pharisees, their hidden hypocrisy (leaven) and darkness; see Luke 12:3 and other sections concerning His accusations towards them. This 'darkness' teaching connects directly into the 'hidden leaven' teachings concerning both the Pharisees AND the Apostles. These things firmly established this FACT... JESUS CHRIST PURPOSELY DARKENED THE LIGHT OF OTHERS. ==================== A SHUT AND OPEN CASE ==================== "Behold, I have set before thee an open door... - Christ the Spirit The exposure of hidden hypocrisy and darkness presents the basis for a fascinating conclusional finding. The Apostles, per commandment and teaching of Jesus Christ, did exactly what He accused the Scribes and Pharisees of in Luke 12:1-2 and... Matthew 23:13 ============= "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! for YE SHUT UP THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AGAINST MEN: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in." Jesus laid the 'shutting of heaven' on the heads of hypocrites, WHICH TOLD BY WHAT DOCTRINE IT COULD BE SHUT. This was ALSO His hidden doctrine as revealed thru His commandments to the Apostles and His parables and teachings. All of these findings together, give reason to why 'the gates of the city shall not be shut by day' and 'a door was opened in heaven' in Revelation 4:1, 21:25 and 22:5. Thru HIS definitions, His accusations concerning the Pharisees, and these findings in which He taught to continue their way, we can firmly establish this FACT... JESUS CHRIST KNOWINGLY USED DIRECTED HYPOCRISY AND DARKNESS AS A CLOSING AND SECURING DEVICE. Through His directive and teaching of the Apostles to repeat, retain or continue the ways of the Pharisees and scribes (that they engage in acts hypocritical to stated faith), He shut what no one but Himself could open. This is found spoken by the Spirit in Revelation 3:7-8. Revelation 3:7-8 ================ "These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, HE THAT OPENETH, AND NO MAN SHUTTETH; and SHUTTETH AND NO MAN OPENETH. I know thy works: behold, I HAVE SET BEFORE THEE AN OPEN DOOR, and NO MAN CAN SHUT IT: for thou hast a little strength,and hast kept my word and hast not denied my name." The difference then was that the Pharisees couldn't open what they had shut as seen above. Christ and His could ONLY thru certain knowledge; the key and the open door itself, left to be found within the testament. What these things said in conjunction, was that the KNOWLEDGE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of that which was used to shut the kingdom of heaven, WOULD BE USED TO OPEN THE SAME; again, SEE Luke 12:1-3 and Mt. 13:33. "For THERE IS NOTHING COVERED, THAT SHALL NOT BE REVEALED; NEITHER HID, THAT SHALL NOT BE KNOWN. Therefore whatsoever ye have SPOKEN IN DARKNESS SHALL BE HEARD IN THE LIGHT..." The same principle applied to the hidden leaven of the Pharisees, applies to THIS hidden leaven. What was spoken in darkness is seen and heard in the light. In the light, we find that leaven which was hidden by the 'woman'. Through this key, knowledge and acknowledgement of that which was sought and found, what was closed, shut and otherwise sealed in Revelation and the testament becomes opened and none can shut it. The Pharisees never knew, acknowledged or repented from their 'hidden leaven' as a body and thus, it remained closed to them. The same acknowledgement opens it for both Jew and Gentile; acknowledgement and change from hypocrisy is empowerment to enter what was previously closed or shut. Only one thing could have closed or shut heaven, found opened within Revelation and found within Christ's testimony and commandments, as seen above. This also sheds light on other closed, shut or sealed things within Revelation, which also remain open due TO that light; Revelation 21:25, 22:5, for example. EPILOGUE ======== We may our ends by our beginnings know. - Sir John Denham In summary, the findings revealed in these writings have shown that Jesus Christ: * DIRECTED men to continue in evil thought, deed and sin. * DIRECTED the apostles to be hypocritical in their activities. * CREATED and directed "Mystery, Babylon, the Mother of Harlots". * DESCRIBED Himself as one that directed and taught men to break commandment. * TOLD that 'the end justified the means'. * REPEATED acts found within Scripture which include hypocrisy unrealized by His followers and repeated ONE particular act which NO Christian would have come to realize on his own, that of 'that old serpent', the original. * SECURED (sealed, shut) the gates of the Holy City of Revelation and the doors of Heaven itself, by use of the hidden leaven of hypocrisy; darkness. This is only a partial listing of things witnessed. Things of this nature can be seen again and again in OTHER evidence which shows that He repeated and/or did things that men had not realized in order to bring this to completion. Not all of the evidence is presented here, only for the sake of ease of understanding on the part of the reader. We also leave the reader a little thinking space. As the saying goes, "Seek and ye shall find." By THESE findings, determined by His own word, the true prophet was ALSO a false prophet, a deceiver whose fruit was both good AND evil. This finding connects directly to the writings and descriptions in Revelation concerning 'that old serpent', (the beast, the great dragon, the Devil and Satan, the deceiver, etc.) and the false prophet who is "...LIKE A LAMB". This is something that Christ is described as many times in New Testament and teachings afterwards, and that some drink the 'real' blood of. Rather than being an evil repetition of the Lamb as some Christian scholars say, it reveals His identity. What men forgot or choose to forget, is the side of God which will create and do evil; Isaiah 45:7. Even Jeremiah describes God as a deceiver; Jeremiah 4:1O, 2O:7. Paul states in II Thessalonians 2:11, that God Himself sends the "strong delusion" to believe the lie that snares. The question here is "Why would God want men to believe a lie?" The end indeed justified the means, the end of which was to gain a kingdom which would otherwise not be given willfully. The means was deceptive; counseling to break law and everlasting covenant and the repeated hypocrisy which Jesus accused the Pharisees of. Once again from Luke 11:34-36 ================================ "The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is SINGLE, the whole body is full of light; BUT WHEN THINE EYE IS EVIL, THY BODY ALSO IS FULL OF DARKNESS. Take heed therefore THAT THE LIGHT WHICH IS IN THEE BE NOT DARKNESS. IF thy whole body therefore be full of light, HAVING NO PART DARK, the whole shall be full of light, AS WHEN THE BRIGHT SHINING OF A CANDLE DOTH GIVE THEE LIGHT." It is His teaching as found above from Luke, which applies directly to that written of "Mystery, Babylon" in Revelation 18:23. Revelation 18:23 ================ "And THE LIGHT OF A CANDLE SHALL SHINE NO MORE IN THEE; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall heard no more in thee at all: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; FOR BY THY SORCERIES WERE ALL NATIONS DECEIVED." What is further seen thru the evidence presented in this book, is that the sins and evils of the church do not occur thru pure accident, or because clergy and their flock are simply just weak, but performed or initiated due to original commandments of Jesus Christ. What was done through these things was the creation of a temptational device which drew non-believers into the kingdom and enlarged it, according to the promises given to Abraham. This is the end of the means; the snare and its closing as seen in examples such as Psalms 2, II Thessalonians 2 and Luke 21:35. The duplicitous nature of the church, created and taught by Jesus Christ, is the reason for its state, the status of its members and the state of THIS world; James 1:8, 4:8. It was intentionally done by Christ, as seen in the commandments to the Apostles and is continued to this moment for THAT reason; Matthew 7:15, 2O. This is the spiritual state of the wheat and the tares, which grow in the same spot and the same field. The cutting off of one, as He stated many times in parable, is the only thing which preserves the other forever. This is what was being spoken of when He spoke of 'two in the field' or 'two in one bed' and one of those two being taken from the other. The eye, as taught above, must be single to enter life. If double, according to His other teachings concerning the cutting off of that which offends, death is the result. Only seeking, finding, revealing and acknowledging the hypocrisy involved in bringing this to pass, opens the door of those things wanted by those that wanted them in totality. It is the open door to the kingdom. To NOT acknowledge these things witnessed, is to keep the doors and gates closed and secured. To NOT change from this double state is imprisonment which cannot be exited, in order to enter life. There can be no kingdom with darkness included; Revelation 21:25, 22:5, Luke 17:2O-21. These things were purposely done by Christ to bring about this particular end. Men were to find that they were deceived and that they had darkness within which was put there by way of that deception. This is the cause of 'death' found within Revelation; Wormwood in one instance. (Rev. 8:1O-11) Those that believed they 'lived' find that they were 'dead' all the time. Their works were imperfect and were directed to be so. (Rev. 3:1-3) If knowledge and understanding is the key to all things, then disbelief of verifiable evidence and ignorance of it, to willingly not know, IS the lock and seal. Have YOU judged the evidence? ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : Copyright (C) 1992 George W. Demers : : Box 112O-13, Campton, NH O3223 : : 6O3-726-3638 : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::